Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thirsty crow from my childhood memories

I was very fond of listening to stories in my childhood and my mother used to narrate a new one each day till I was able to read myself. One of those stories was about a “Thirsty Crow”. The story was like this:

“On one hot summer day a crow was flying in search of water for an hour or so. He was praying to Allah to help him. Suddenly a container with some water caught his eye and he dived towards it. On coming close he realized that container had long narrow top and level of water was quite low. It was not possible for him to reach the water level and drink it. But instead of complaining to Allah and getting discouraged he maintained his faith and look around. He looked around and saw some stones nearby. He started picking and dropping the stones in the container, the water level started to rise and finally it was in crow’s reach. He drank water and thanking Allah who helped him to fulfill his need flew away calmly”

If we try to relate to this story we will realize that many times we are in same situation like this thirsty crow. When we need something badly, we pray so that we can be blessed with it and our prayers do get answered but when we are shown the container with low level of water we instead of looking with faith and thinking why this container was shown to us our mind goes to limitations and we start complaining that why me? Why can’t I have water (what we need)? It was given to others but why not to me? And the long list of complains goes on & on.

How many times do we look around with faith, believing that if I am in this situation and container is shown to me then it means solution is also nearby. I simply need to put in the little effort and make optimum use of available resources. Sadly very few of us think like this and this is the factor that marks the line between achievers and quitters, winners & losers.

Look at the life of all successful people and you will identify the similar pattern that in circumstances when all others quit believing that there is no hope, no solution or no opportunity these people tend to hang in there a little more, maintained their faith and made optimum use of all available resources and emerged as winner.

Next time when you are in a situation where it seems that you are surrounded by darkness, problems and nothing seems to work out then try to look around with faith, faith in yourself that you can overcome this no matter what, faith in unlimited blessings of Allah that He is with you and will help you. You just need to look with faith and the answers will start to appear and you will find the required solution.

May Allah help you to maintain faith in yourself and Allah’s blessings and help you to emerge as winner in all walks of life (Ameen)

Have a blessed day ahead.
Aisha Javed

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