Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It all Matters

Today morning I was waking up my younger brother and he said “Please let me sleep for another 5 minutes, it will make no difference”. For many of you it might seem an ordinary answer but God knows how this simple reply triggered my thought process.

We tend to take few minutes & few times for granted most of time. Sometimes it’s when we have to wake up in morning, sometime we tend to just kill our time by either switching TV channels aimlessly or in roaming around, similarly few times also seem pretty okay when it comes to over speeding, late sitting, eating unhealthy food, smoking few cigarettes, getting angry occasionally and so on.

When we tend to take things so casually we deny their power to impact us, these small things neglected few times tends to make a big difference in our life. Any activity carried out just few harmless times can result in becoming our habit. A few minutes wasted aimlessly when compiled over a life time of a person are equivalent to many days. Few harmless minutes accumulated together can create disasters. To give an example if you move your fingers through the flame of burning candle with speed nothing will happen and your finger will remain un harmed but if you hold it there just for few minutes it will end up in burning your finger.

It’s these small things and few things left unattended in our life that create big differences like it was said:

“A small hole left un attended can sink a big ship”

When it comes to expenses we tend to control the big ones but take small ones very casually. Most of our money is spend on these small things and most of the time, when we don’t even need them. At the end of month just try to roughly calculate how much these apparently small expenses cost you through out the month. Surprised?

 To cut it short try to take care of small things in your life and you will see the BIG difference in your quality of life and next time you tend to thing few minutes, few times and few rupees won’t matter please remember that

“It all does matter”

Try to go home on time few times and see the improvement in your relations, try to appreciate someone few times and see the impact on that person, try to avoid few cigarettes and see the impact on your health, try to avoid killing few minutes and see the increase in your productivity, try to save the few rupees spend on things not needed and see the impact on your bank balance and last but not the least try to remember Allah few times a day and see how your life will change.

Have a blessed day ahead.
Aisha Javed

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