Monday, May 9, 2011

Tea Bag & Us

I believe that majority of us have used tea bags at some time in life. There is one very interesting factor about these tea bags that reflects one of the most important factor of our daily life.

If you put these tea bags in normal or cold water nothing worth drinking will be made however when you put the same bag in the hot water it turns into some thing better, some things that gives us extra energy and wakes our mind.

Same is the case with us; in normal course of life we are relaxed in our comfort zones. Each day the same circle of events and activities is repeated for majority of us and we are happy and comfortable. Very few of us try to do something extra or to groom our self by learning new skills or try to tap our underutilized potentials. We are happy with our daily routine, enjoying the calm pace and even if we are not happy or satisfied with something in our life we only worry about it, complain, find out the persons to put blame on for our miseries but take no step to change. How many of you have experienced this things and how often? It’s just like putting our self in normal or cold water i.e. our comfort zone and creates barriers for our self to become something better.

Then out of no where something so powerful happens that shakes our life rigorously. It’s like some one have forcefully dragged us out of our comfort zone and put us in roller coaster of life. It’s indication that now it’s high time that we should make some required changes and tap our underutilized potentials. We are in the hot water now.

It’s the time when our survival becomes our first priority and we have no choice left but to get in the driving seat and take control. It is at these times that under pressure we take our selves beyond our limitations, we challenge our self to do something more, something better and hence end up tapping on our new potentials, in activating the dormant abilities and if at such times we maintain our faith, our courage and persistently try to overcome these times we end up becoming someone better, someone more capable that not only surprises others around us but also us and we stand there totally amazed thinking wow it’s me, I have done this :-)

Never consider tough times as your enemy or feel as if you are victim. These times are blessing in disguise and if handled positively can help us to create marvelous life of our self and for all others associated with us in some way.

So the next time life puts you in Hot water, instead of complaining and looking for external help try to get in the driving seat and allow miracles to happen.

 Have a blessed day ahead.
Aisha Javed

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