Sunday, September 4, 2011

Get Rid Of Excuses and Take Action

The biggest test most of us face is our habits; our laziness, absence of inspiration. I have yet to meet a person who does not want to be successful. Why then are only so few successful? The answer to that is no top-secret; we all wish to succeed, but very few are ready to invest in the hard work that is related to success, whatever be the aim. And, couple that with our born laziness, in many ways, it is the glamour pack of the media that is to be blamed for increasing the delusion that there are shortcuts to success or that success entirely depends on Luck. Nothing can be further from the truth...

No article on a successful photographer will speak of the hundreds; say thousands, of photographs that he had to take over many years of hard work before the essence of a creative person found expression in the person. Similarly, no interviewer will dwell on the back-breaking effort and years of struggle, often coupled with depression, that goes into the life of a painter before he gets critical acclaim. And that is because no one wants to dwell beyond the pretty picture-perfect image of success. As they say, no one wants to cast the first stone...

One way to correct our false notions is to read the biographies, of successful people and get inspired, by their struggles.

Another key is to write down on one side of a piece of paper all that you want to be. And on the other side of the same page, all the issues that are holding you back. For example, if you want a great physique, write against it all the hindrances that you are facing that are preventing you from achieving your goal. Maybe you are feeling lazy, or you wake up late each morning or you do not have the time, or whatever. When you put it down in black and white, you will discover that all the reasons are actually EXCUSES!

Face yourself and realize that the actual speed breaker along your goal to success is YOU. So wake up and make a real beginning. After all, tomorrow is another day...

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