"Nothing is Impossible to a willing Heart" is a sentence that am listening since i was a liltle girl. Every time I complain about something not happening the way I want or the bottle necks am facing my Mother always say stop focusing on why you can't do it and start thinking how you can :) and today am happy that I followed her advise and develop a problem solving attitude.
This one advise helped me at all stages of life as whenever i was stuck in something or some one says "Hey, you wasting time this can't be done" I always smile and quote one of my favorite quotation that "There is no Lock without a Key and there is no problem without a solution" and the mere thought of turning the "Impossible" to "I am Possible" provides all the energy that is required to complete the required task.
I still remember that when I took admission in ICMAP friends and relatives used to say It's difficult, you don't have commerce background, you are wasting your time. There was a time in First semester when one of my teacher refuse to answer my questions by saying if you don't have a commerce background that not my fault I am not going to explain such basic things. That when I came back home I was crying when my mother asked what happen she said:
"Listen today is one of the most important day in your life coz either you are decide to quit and prove that all others were right when they say you are wasting your time or you take it as a challenge and so the world that you are capable to doing everything that you want to do but always remember that this decision will impact all the coming day for your life"
It was her words that gave me strength and i decide to take it as a challenge. Used to spend hours and hours in library, studied all night. Within 2 months we had our First Test. On the result day our teacher started announcing result he said that there was one paper that shocked him and he will discuss it at end. He started from lowest scorer and moved towards highest. With each announcement my heartbeat was getting faster and faster and there was time when only two students were left and he announced the result of other one and the only person remaining was me, the feeling at that point was so intense that i can't explain it in words. I imagined all the worst things that i might have done something terribly wrong and at point I heard my teacher praising me that I scored highest marks and he rechecked my paper twice and was shocked that how can someone without commerce background can out pass all other :D
From that day onwards the same teacher that scolded me on asking question started quoting my example that Be like Her :D
This is one small incident of my life where mere strength of willpower and determination not only increased my confidence in my abilities but once again also prove my mother's word that "Nothing is Impossible to a willing Heart".
One advise that i would like to give to all my friends is that Never ever ever under estimate your potential each of us is capable of achieveing all that we want to and only two things that are required to turn our dreams into reality are believe in one's potential and strong will to do it.
Besk of Luck to all for making the impossibles in your life possible and always remember that EVERY THING IS ACHIEVABLE.
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